
Memes - are they serious?

By Elpha | Coin and Tokens | 8 Mar 2024

Memes are being taken seriously, new and old memes have become a fave for degens and beginners in crypto. With Shiba Inu and Doge being one of the first meme tokens, this has given rise and utility to new and upcoming memes. Token prices can be appealing to investors who want as many tokens as possible at a low cost.

More and more blockchains taking on memes drive a response from people who are and who are not interested in crypto. Which later may or may not become a utility token depending on what type of response it receives; after all, it is just a meme.
Its high risk and high volatility have brought massive gains for traders. Projects such as Bonk (Sol), Pepe (Eth), and Shiba have brought astronomical gains to investors who got in at the right time with the best hype. More and more blockchains onboarding memes can get people to start talking and bring in users to their chains.

Memes seem to follow an animal theme; there are dogs (Shib, Dodge, Floki), cats (catwifhat, Wen), a rooster (Coq inu), and many others. Their low price can be attractive to investors who want to take advantage of purchasing many of these tokens. However, it matters a lot when you get in and when you get out. Often, it's better to consider getting into the meme token while it's about to pump rather than while it's pumping, but it's only a meme, so one can never tell because of its volatility.

Some memes end up becoming utility tokens. This can be due to the amount of followers it gathers, developers pushing the project forward, or even funding. Alternatively, the token can remain a meme that can bring gains in cycles.

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