Do Not

By stbrians | Churning Poetry | 10 Dec 2022

Do not big loads on others impost. 

Never give them York's too big to post. 

Lest they fall down with weary

Lest they die of fatigue so dreary. 

Do not ever have others to kill

As you push them up a hill. 

Always do to others one wants to them done. 

Never have them overburdened alone. 


What you expect of others,  expatriate. 

The way another one follows,  navigate.

It is senseless to impose 

What you cannot comfortably pose. 

The Bible preaches with relish

Warning against others to punish. 

Always do to others one wants to them done. 

Never have them overburdened alone.


Your reward is set aside

When the bridegroom meets the bride. 

What to others you did force

To you in plenty will be your price. 

Take my advice to cherish

Unless you are headed to perish

Always do to others one wants to them done. 

Never have them overburdened alone



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stbrians Verified Member

Am in the world yet am not of this world.

Churning Poetry
Churning Poetry

Poetry is the spice of the soul. A poet is an emotional person. He creates love, hate, worry etc. A poet is a mind reader. He knows your thoughts.

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