John 10:7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
John 10 Videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhn0tD4QffOGzoPXT
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. ‘God helps those who help themselves’ in the bible?
. ‘Stop listening to him- he’s nuts’!
.What is the prescribed method for being a Pastor?
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.Some ‘cannot’ believe
.The sign of Jonah- you gotta believe this one
TEACHING [Past posts below]
Jesus shows us how his followers act- well- like sheep!
Yes- I know the critics like this- you know ‘you are sheople’ type thing.
Meaning mindless followers of a bunch of fairy tales.
Now- I could do volumes on how this is simply not true [all my stuff on apologetics- proofs of God from science- etc.]
But the atheist will never be convinced by these arguments.
Well- they are ‘sheople’.
They hold to their unbelief- yes- even in the face of real proof- because they ‘mindlessly’ follow their desires.
Ok- Sheep follow the voice of the shepherd- they know how he speaks.
Jesus says his people know his voice- they can discern when God is speaking.
How many times in our lives have we heard someone say something- and maybe they had no idea why they said it.
Yet- you knew.
Because they might have been speaking ‘off the cuff’- and yet they gave you an answer to a question- that you might have been praying about.
So- you know it was God’s voice- him giving you guidance- though it came from another man [or woman].
Now- Jesus says he is the door of the sheep.
Back in the bible days- the sheep were put in a pen.
Sort of like fenced in [stones mostly] area- with one way in- and out.
Jesus says he is the door of the sheep- but he’s the Shephard too.
But even though there were walls- there was no door.
‘If there was not an actual door John- then how did the sheep stay in the pen’?
Good question.
At the end of the day- when the sheep bedded down.
The shepherd would actually lie in the opening.
No sheep could get out- without his knowing it.
And no predator [wolf] could get in either.
Jesus is the door of the sheep.
He guards his own- and protects them.
He said all that came before him- they climbed up- they did not go the prescribed route [thru the door].
John- in the book of Revelation- says he ‘saw a door- opened- in heaven’.
He saw Jesus.
The book of Hebrews says Jesus was the veil that was torn apart at the Cross.
He is the way- the gateway- to the Father.
Those who do not experience the Cross [the door- the prescribed method] but come in some other way- they are thieves and robbers.
They might be in the fold- and maybe they even mean well- but until you experience the Cross- your intentions will always be self- centered.
But if you go the way of the Cross- thru the door- then you will be leading by example.
You will have a servant’s heart. Hebrews 3:5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;[I talk about this on the next video ‘Samuel 12-13’].
And the sheep, they won’t actually be hearing you [as a Pastor- or leader in Gods church].
But no- they will hear God thru you.
The sheep only hear the voice of the Shepherd- and God only speaks thru those who have come thru ‘the door’. Some sites see the rest here
PAST POSTS- [Parts of my past teaching that relate- verses below]