Three times Yahoo made a decision (it probably ended up regretting)

By LeftFooted | Cars & tech | 3 Sep 2024

Yahoo is one of the OGs, it's been around pretty much since the internet was invented.

But the problem is Yahoo made at least three questionable decisions.

Sure, hindsight is always 20/20, and Yahoo is still alive, employing thousands of people and bringing home eight figures in revenue, but it could've been so much better.

The first of three bad decisions was made in 1998.

Back then, Yahoo was already a staple in the online world, and it had the opportunity to buy Google, which was basically a newborn baby back then, for $1 million.

But Yahoo said 'nah thanks'.

The second mistake was made in 2002, when Yahoo changed its mind about buying Google.

This time, the company offered $3 billion, but Google wanted $5 billion, and so Yahoo said no.


The third mistake was made in 2008, right around the same time Lehman Brothers went belly up.

Microsoft made an offer to buy Yahoo at $31 per share, equivalent to $44 billion. 

But Yahoo said no.

In 2016, Yahoo was acquired by telecommunications giant Verizon for $4.6 billion, and Verizon actually sort of made money on this because, in 2021, they sold Verizon to an investment firm called Apollo for $5 billion.

Today, Yahoo is worth around $10 billion.

Google is worth $2 trillion.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on

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