There are two things that worry me about the Apple Vision Pro

By LeftFooted | Cars & tech | 3 Feb 2024

I had the chance a rudimentary, early VR headset about ten years ago thanks to a friend who works in the gaming industry and it was absolute fire.

And again, this is ten years ago.

In tech terms, that's an eon.

So there's no doubt in mind that the Apple Vision Pro must be amazing.

I was honestly tempted to give the Apple Vision Pro a go but there are two things that worry me.

First, the cost.The Vision Pro is priced at $3,500, which is a colossal amount of money.

Five years from now, the Vision Pro will be worth $1,000. Or I can buy $3.500 worth of BTC or Apple stock today and it'll be worth a lot more in five years.

The second thing that worries me is this is a first product, and it's newly released.

When you buy a first product, especially if it's newly released, you're essentially a guinea pig for all the defects, limits, glitches that, by definition, are impossible to address and fix before the product actually hits the market.

The Vision Pro may have issues that will become obvious a few months from now, when a large number will have used it for real, in the real world, for an extended period of time.

Or it could be flawless. But we don't know that. I think I'll keep my pennies in my pocket, and possibly buy more Apple stock and more BTC.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on

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