Amazon joins the AI craze with Alexa

By LeftFooted | Cars & tech | 3 Sep 2024

In the summer of 2020, I had a brief relationship with a person who owned one of those Amazon's Echo Alexa thingies.

I used Alexa every day for about three months and it was fun, in a way.

But Amazon has since sort of forgotten about Alexa. The company has perpetually been lowering the price for its Alexa-based products such as Echo and Dot etc, and the virtual assistant hasn't been improved much.

Now, the company is planning to revamp Alexa with, you've guessed it, AI.

Amazon will completely overhaul Alexa virtual assistant by integrating Anthropic's Claude AI model.

According to rumours, Alexa will remain free, but there will be a 'premium' version, which is likely to cost between $5 and $10 per month.

The upgraded version of Alexa is set to debut in October, so stay tuned for that.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on

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