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Ways To Have Control Over Crypto Emotions

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Image by Sergei Tokmakov,  from Pixabay

Except bitcoin if there any coin is doing good in your favourite crypto list? For me It's a No. My coins are dumping unexpectedly and constantly though bitcoin price pump giving motivation to hold. As many of you know that I'm bad at holding crypto emotional and get desperate to take risk so I find some ways to divert my mind to avoid crypto emotions and also taking wrong decision for future. In this post I'm going to share some personal ways to have control over crypto emotions.

The first thing I do, stop stalking my crypto asset in my wallet. Though market updates are important to me to stay updated and collecting data to use or share in my crypto blogs. I keep stalking bitcoin price and the market movement. My listed Altcoins are also a subject of stalking and observing moves though I'm not holding them all.

So whenever I see red candle in crypto market I try to stop stalking my crypto coins and asset value that can disturb me and also can make me desperate. When I made my mind for holding, I should have control over my panic and impatient attitude. Though this is not an effective solution for having such control so I also try to get busy with my other tasks for the day. Sometimes I watch movies or series to enjoy my break from crypto market observation and stalking my asset.

Beside enjoying shows on screen I do communicate with people in social sites though crypto become our discussion topic. Actually getting addicted to crypto trading is the reason behind having more crypto asset concern and seeing it decreasing sometimes cause panic attack. If we get busy doing something else, we can control over crypto emotions and the addiction of trading that can lead us to the loss.

Though I'm personally get out of control and take wrong steps when market is getting down. For example, yesterday I wanted to convert my coin to another coin but it can't ensure profit even the charge I'll pay can be a matter of losing some money. So diverting mind is most important to me to have control over crypto emotions. If you have the same issues, you can try my ways too.

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