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Waiting To Buy Crypto Again


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Crypto market always get green after selling all my coins LOL. Jokes apart, market is green but bitcoin price is still below $60k and I took risk to increase my coins. Waiting for buy not for deep as I know I'll never be able to wait for deep but I'll be glad if I'll be able to increase my coins. I had poor amount of coin but I'm expecting a little more coins.

A little can be a big someday and that is my aim. Honestly I've a small amount of crypto coin for surprising pump but that may possible when bitcoin price will be more than $60k price and Altcoins will follow the lead of bitcoin pump.

A little dump is expected as I'm ready to buy again but I'm not expecting deep because crypto market looks good when green. I've no plan of holding stable coin because it never can surprise me with a big pump. Today's crypto update from my side is, I'm waiting for buying it and I'll only buy when it will give me more coins than last gain. I may transfer my extra coins to the funding wallet for next pump. My all buying and selling is centered to price pump. Wish to see bitcoin hit $70k or above once again soon.

Honestly my desired coin is not a big coin in the market but it can help me on my growth as crypto trader if I use coins wisely and trade them with confidence. Yesterday I made a small coin when I could make more but my timing was not perfect. This morning the coin is pumping but I'm waiting for next buy. The price value of my desired coin is far away from my target of buying amount.

This waiting would be bitter but maybe not longest. If surprise crypto pump appear I'll be able to make small profit and that will be not enough. It seems a lot of things I need to learn about crypto trading, successful trading needs an effective market research and observation. Depending on luck and trade crypto is like throwing stone to the dark. Having luck is also a thing that help us to be a gainer. Will update you about my next trading decision and result.

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