
Sharing Tectum Development Updates


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Who is there not yet familiar with Tectum ? It should be none but still I would love to talk about this world's fastest blockchain and features with the introduction of it. First time I learn about Tectum and SoftNote from this platform and start following their social profiles and pages to stay updated and it sounds like an awesome team working behind the screen and a great Dev team is working restlessly to add more awesome features. Before continuing let me talk about Tectum and SoftNote in short.


Tectum is the world's fastest blockchain – a lightning-fast distributed ledger powering the superconductive digital financial environment of the future. Trade $TET Now. Get Wallet. Blockchain. Exceeds 1 million TPS and provides instant event status delivery & ownership updates.
3rd Gen Layer 1 blockchain with 1.3 million TPS and SoftNote The only decentralised, wallet-less, instant, low-fee, anonymous, non-custodial Bitcoin layer 2

Actually I'm a regular follower of Tectum social on X and I get all the updates from there and recently an update grabbed my attention and I'm going to share them from their social media network and you may follow them for more updates are upcoming. The Tectum community has been requesting an Android and iOS app for the Softnote Wallet for a while. Tectum developers have now started working on this with launch set for Q2 this year!

  • Pay for goods from your phone
  • Mint Softnotes
  • Fill Softnotes

SoftNote can be used person-to-person, sent over any messenger application as a picture file or sent by wallet to wallet. SoftNote is secured by a passcode rendering it useless to an unauthorised possessor. Find out more: Tectum.io

World Introvert Day9 languages available for http://tectum.io & http://softnote.com sites!

Languages available:


Mainnet Node Staking TVL!

Tectum staking has just hit a total locked value of $13 million!

11 node pools

Currently up to 28% APY

Boost lockup periods

100 TET to delegate

5000 TET for a community node

20,000 TET full node

Adding 9 new languages feaure is awesome and I appreciate the way it is developing everyday. This is user friendly and user going to love all the new development and additions of it. You can follow them for more information.

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