
Ponke Closed A Partnership With HelloMoon.io


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Since launch ponke's focus has been on expanding their team and onboarding like minds that share their vision with building on Solana. One of my friend bought some ponke and earn some profit as he shared it with me yesterday. One of our crypto observer friend daily share about meme coins and progress of each coin. My friend follow that observer and discover ponke recently.

After seeing the updates of ponke and recent bullish mood of it are now a news in the air. Actually right now I don't have any plan to invest on any meme coin or other tokens that can help people making huge profit. This is high risk though with small amount of investment the high risk can be avoided but still I'm not right investor for this but I motivate my friends who made around 7 dollars of profit from a small investment. 

Ponke's recent tweet grab my attention and it was about the partnership with hello moon. Ponke Closed A Partnership With HelloMoon.io and I'm going to share the tweet they share in their X business account. Have a look,

The Ponke team is excited to announce that we have just closed a partnership with @HelloMoon_io Since launch our focus has been on expanding our team and onboarding like minds that share our vision with building on Solana. @HelloMoon_io partnership expands on this vision and allows us to set sights on bigger goals. 2024 is going to be a big year for Solana and the #PONKEARMY will carve its name on this chain. TL;DR Hello Moon - gud tek


After seeing this tweet I became curious to know more about it and start scrolling down to the updates that ponke regularly sharing on X social media account for it's fan and followers. When parent coins are sleeping, at that time kids coin are on fire. The crypto observer promoting ponke with confident as he is observing crypto market for years and already experience a lot in the crypto market. Its fine if there some coins bringing some sunshine in the crypto market but these kids coins will take huge time to take a good position in the market like parent coins. Invest on parent coin is still safe and best for investors. 

Just decide to follow ponke on social media to observe it at least and I wish this will not going to play with the emotions of investors who trust and invest on coins. My friends are getting over excited and I wish they could make decent amount of profit from their investment to it. All of you should invest as much you can afford to lose. I couldn't find ponke listed on Binance but I'll keep tracking it on social media X and will check it's performance on coingecko. You can do the same if you want.

Thanks For Stopping By!


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