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Planning To Buy Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Know Why


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Bitcoin cash (BCH) is one of the favorite coin in my favorite crypto coin list. But I've never gave it a try for trading so this time my target is bitcoin cash and I've reasons behind this choice. This will be my discussion topic for this blog and you may get some inspiration from the reasons behind my choice. Better you do not take this as a piece of financial advice or suggestion for investing on crypto. Research yourself and make your own decision on crypto trading.

Before talking about bitcoin cash more let me remind you about the all time high price value of bitcoin and it is still above $99k and close enough to hit $100k worth price. Honestly I'm excited and getting desperate to see bitcoin price hit all time high price that could be more than $100k. Now come back to bitcoin cash, the current price value of BCH is closer to $550 and this is pretty high if I pay attention to the market move and the lowest price of this coin in last 24 hours.

This morning I made a search on web about the history of bitcoin cash and the all time high price worth surprised me and influenced me to make it my next target for crypto trading. The all time high price of bitcoin cash was $3,785.82 or I can say more than 3.5k worth price value in December 2017. The all time lowest price of it was less than hundred dollars but when I first met bitcoin cash in 2021, at that time the price value of it was more than $800 dollars and reduced in inflation and I saw the lowest price of it around $200 dollars.

The current price of bitcoin cash is 2x better than the lowest price I saw in 2022 or maybe last year. This research is enough to me to make it my next coin for trading. Bitcoin is already high and Altcoins in the market also performing pretty good so this is definitely not the time to me to buy because I want to buy when the price will be little down. Right now buying could cause long time waiting or holding that I hardly can.

Anyway, if you like my crypto coin choice for next trading then you can make research on it more to make a decision if you planning to buy crypto. After bitcoin and Ethereum I believe bitcoin cash can be my coin to move forward and I just want to buy it asap but not in a desperate mood. Will wait for the lowest price of next 24 hours.

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