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Hold Tight Altcoins, Know Why


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Yes you are right. Bitcoin current price pump is the reason behind this optimistic prediction. Holding tight my Altcoins for around two weeks. Sitting idle to avoid probable loss and waiting can help to get back the opportunity to buy again after selling with profit. Even a little profit can means a lot when we expecting to buy again and get back to trading. Crypto trading is addictive but holding emotions here is the most important.

This morning when I enter my crypto wallet I saw bitcoin is performing good as it hit $100k plus worth price value in last 24 hours. Altcoins are still down and looks like soon it will follow the lead of bitcoin. This is just a personal prediction, you may have your own opinion or prediction on it. Today or tomorrow altcoins are also pump as the process is constant so better we hold it instead take high risk that can cause loss that we never expect when make a investment.

Do not consider this a financial advice because this not from an expert. This year I personally promised myself to avoid loss and hold as long I can afford to hold. Altcoins just started to get green but not yet closer to the buying price of mine. This was my personal trading update. If anyone knows having control over emotions when doing trading then the person will definitely be a gainer in this field. Crypto market seems to me an Ocean and there is no end of learning on it.

Expecting to see my Altcoins will pump next week or at the end of January. Last month crypto market gave me great experience so it always worth waiting for the right time. All the day can't be my day so better I prepare or wait for my day to come. The day it will be my day, I'll definitely share some positive vibes with my friends and followers till then the all I can do is holding my Altcoins tight. Whatever the market weather will be the decision of holding shouldn’t be change and these all things I'm telling and reminding myself to avoid probable loss. Hope this hold will be fruitful for many of us.

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