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Crypto Update: Days Of Good Gain Not Yet Come

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Image by Afif Ramdhasuma from Pixabay


Couldn’t hold! Bought some other coin from the crypto favourite coin list. This is risk taking but still better than holding for long. No one wants to regret on their decision but sometimes risk taking cause regret. This time I buy when the coin was down than usual price but if it dump suddenly like a shock then holding for long time is a must. At the end, I always see that holding is the only key of big gain. Either we hold for buy deep or we hold for selling high, and holding is a must.

The weather is cold right now and a pump of Altcoins can make the weather of crypto market hot. Sake of experiencing the hot weather of crypto market in this winter I bought my crypto coin using my all money in my wallet. This kind of buy sell can be good if temporary, I mean holding for max 24 hours and sell for a small gain. But the gain here is not promised. This morning suddenly I made my mind to buy a crypto that constantly dumping and closer to the deepest price value of last 24 hours.

After buying as always the value of asset reducing but the trading can be short time if the coin I bought pump like last 24 hours then it can help me gain though this is not the time of big gain. Bitcoin price value constantly crossing the price value $100k and this making me optimistic that my altcoin will pump soon and will cause profit not regret buying. Big gain is the achievement of crypto and patience holders and take risk as much you can afford to hold for long time.

After this short time trading I would prefer a short pause and my next buy will be about my regular crypto coin that I need to improve my crypto portfolio. Aims are big but sometimes a wrong decision can spoil everything we plan. Crypto can be a source of big gain but you have to wait for the right time. Almost everyone in crypto market is waiting desperately to experience the crypto to the moon. Count me one of them. A crypto investor who wait for big, can be the real gainer and someday I wish to be one of them.

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