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Crypto Coins May Recover Soon


Image by Petre Barlea from Pixabay

Bitcoin price still above $50k and the prediction for bitcoin dump was not right for this week. Nothing to be overconfident because crypto pump and dump can surprise us or shock us anytime. But still market looks like recovering though finale recover may take several weeks or months. According to my observation it looks like in recovering mood, probably I'm right or my observation would be wrong.

Last time my prediction was positive and it was about bitcoin. The price of bitcoin is $55k now and still above $50k and that made me confident and hopeful about market recovery mood. My trust on bitcoin bring the positive result and it is still offering investors for buying. Altcoins are unpredictable to me but still I believe it will recover back in next two months. This is my personal observation on crypto, not recommended to follow.

Right now I'm holding Solana and ready to buy a little optimism and it will take time. Having or holding crypto coins means their is a potential of big gain so we crypto buyers never should regret on buying and I do regret on getting desperate and trade unplanned. Taking risk sometimes cause me losses but a little wait could bring profit for me.

This is once again my waiting period for next trading and this time I'm ready to buy and sell both. If I had big amount for trading then I could wait for seasonal trading when it will ensure my profit making but small investment take a lots of time and the gain is not even satisfied. Actually once I gained big from my trading so small gains doesn’t satisfy me. But considering my small investment the small gain shouldn’t be underestimated so I'm happy with it but never stop dreaming big.

This is a positive vibe that crypto coins and market will recover soon and I would love to spread this positive vibe. Last time my positive vibe was about bitcoin price and I predicted that the price of it will be above $50k this week and it is still maintaining price value above $50k. Spreading positive vibes doesn’t cost me money but can motivate my crypto investor friends and also can motivate new investors too. Negative thoughts and rumors can't bring anything good or positive and that can affect on our physical and mental health too. So stay position and spread positive vibes!

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