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Aim Big When You Are In Crypto Industry

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


This is definitely resting time for many crypto traders. Crypto market is neither down nor high but it was down in last 24 hours even can be consider as down if compared to recent price pump. The Altcoins just started improving the position of it in the market suddenly this down happen. It could be shocking even it can be shocking any time who knows! But the shocking dump can be opportunity for investors so let's think about the positive side of it instead negative.

Last year in many of my crypto blogs I mentioned that if I invested big then I will definitely wait for the price pump even it could take long time to hit my desired amount. Before telling more let me share that my desired amount is not something impossible even it is lesser than the current highest price pump for specific coins. So there is a potential to get back my investment with profit and I can think about reinvest or come back to crypto trading once again.

So this is the time to aim big as investment is also pretty big according to me or my ability. I'll keep my words this time even the shocking dump can reduce my asset value thousands of dollars. Waiting patiently definitely bring back my time and history is the proof of that. Big investors definitely choose bitcoin to invest and it worth holding too. I don't want to underestimate my investment which is not that biggest but big enough for me.

Obstacles will definitely come into life and will affect our finance but sometimes waiting patiently can be the best fight against those obstacles that can affect our finance unexpectedly. This is actually for my self motivation and for all those who gets desperate to make profit from investment like me. Each time I trade crypto and withdraw some for balancing next 6-8 months finance. This can be my waiting limit too and having back up money is always helpful for our personal finance.

If plan works the waiting period is enough for waiting. If not work, savings helps to handle personal finance and that comes from crypto earning not crypto trading. Usually I talk about dreaming big and aiming big but honestly I'm an individual who can't wait for big and that's why my gain is lesser than it could be or it has high potential. Constantly checking crypto balance make me desperate so I find a way that can keep me away to control my desperate attitude. And the way is staying away from the wallet and set selling price to experience the surprise someday.

Bitcoin was $89k lowest price in last 24 hours and it was predicted and expected too. The market correction may takes time and bull market yet to come. Bull market is a hope for all kind of investors. My coins had good record on hitting all time high price and it was happened in 2018. Hope history will repeat itself once again soon. Though I'm not holding coins for bull market but I'm earning for bull market and expecting as much can ensure my financial freedom. That's all.

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