Testing Oxt.Me, an unusual and powerful blockchain explorer

By BtcSapiens | btcsapiens | 20 May 2019

I am pleasantly surprised with OXT, it is not just a tool, it is a great source of information about the history of bitcoin, told with numbers and from which we can obtain innumerable resources that are of great help to see how the Bitcoin network has behaved

In OXT you will find a section of graphics with blocks, transactions, rates, addresses, writings, utxos and distributions.

Another important section is "Directory", which shows information about different mining companies in the cloud, dark market, electronic commerce, exchange, faucet, gambling, market, mining pool, mixer, payment processor, ransomware and wallet.

As a curiosity, you can also see a list of the richest bitcoin addresses. There are many more interesting sections, we recommend that you visit the official website and see for yourself.

Website: https://oxt.me/

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