SwissBorg (CHSB) Community App : My Review After 100 Bitcoin (BTC) Price Predictions

By BtcSapiens | btcsapiens | 15 Jul 2020

Hey everyone! Today I would like to share with you my personal experience as a Community App user, which has given me a good overall idea of how to apply technical analysis to bitcoin (BTC) price and also, the chance to earn some CHSB (SwissBorg) simply by using the app.

My experience has been outstanding in all aspects, in short, I have learned about the bitcoin market, earn some Swissborg (CHSB) and met several Swissborg enthusiasts around the world. I downloaded Community App some months ago, and since then I´ve been using it almost daily, it´s great have access to the daily technical analysis, which includes general market trends, the community trends and the SwissBorg Cyborg Predictor.

I´m extremely surprised with my forecasts results (60/40), in view of the fact that i´ve never been a good bitcoin trader, which makes me suspect that really anyone can learn about crypto markets.


Many of my wrongs forecats have been the result of haste, and perhaps what is clearer to me is that not everyday is a good day to trade bitcoin, so, i think psychology is also very important. Whether you´re an expert trader or not, SwissBorg is a great way to learn and earn CHSB tokens. Personally, I´ll continue to use the Community App to learn and to keep earning tokens, as well as having the possibility to position myself in the "ranking", which may bring some advantages to the Swissborg Wealth App. Are you up for it?




Wow! I was really surprised to have a higher success rate :) since I was never good at crypto trading. As a curiosity, my maximum number of consecutive hits has been 10, reaching up to two times, and, on the other hand, my worst streak has been 4 consecutive wrong predictions, also in two occasions.

Please note that the game (ranking) will end when the Community App reaches 500,000 users, currently there are more than 100,000.

  • Earned CHSB tokens: 700 CHSB at this moment
  • Ranking position: 628 ($26,66 for Wealth App at this moment)
  • Success: 60
  • Wrong: 40


During this period of several months, I have become aware of certain patterns in many of my mistakes, which has been very beneficial to start having clarity in some technical analysis concepts that I had always overlooked. And of course, one of the best thing about Swissborg is its community! The ecosystem of Swissborg encompasses a multitude of people and projects involved in the project.

More about Swissborg

In this section I will recommend you some links with useful information where you can go deeper into the Swissborg ecosystem.

  • Community App: Earn 3,000 points with this <<Community App Code>> -> VQMDZGI
  • Wealth App: App with an intuitive interface and a sophisticated financial engine,to buy Bitcoin and other crypto-assets with ease and at the fairest price possible. Sign up for the "Wealth App" with an invitation, when you buy $50 (any crypto) in Wealth App you will receive a free claim ticket with BTC rewards ($1 - $100). this is my referral link. Good luck! :)

Useful links


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