[STX Mining Challenge] Mine To 1 Million STX -- The Easiest Mining Competition to Participate and Earn

STX Mining Challenge

We've been hearing some good news from Blockstack: Mainnet will be launching in early 2021, people are building DeFi legos on top of the Blockstack -- by leveraging the Bitcoin, and it's STX token may be free to trade in the US.

And now in order to encourage more crypto miners to join, Daemon Technologies, one of the Stack ecosystem companies, has partnered with the Stacks Foundation to put up the one million STX prize pool (worth around $325K) for the STX Mining Competition.


How to Join the Mine To 1 Million STX Competition

  1. Go to the competition page and click "Register"

  2. Fill out the information: Your name, contact email

  3. Input your testnet Bitcoin address and testnet STX address: It's really simple and here is a 5-minute short video of how to get the testnet Bitcoin and STX address

Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 4.35.22 PM.png

The competition starts on December 21, 2020. So, go sign up now or during your lunch break or coffee break, and start earning!

Happy mining!


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jun gong
jun gong

chief cat herder @ furrend.xyz

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