I have a CryptoCurrency related Facebook page and I also administrator few groups from that page where group members will post the earning apps that's on going. And from one of the group member's post I came to know about the brave browser that it's ads free, safer and faster browser and also we can earn BAT tokens by using it. WOW! as I'm sick of skipping ads while watching/listening YouTube videos. While I'm working mostly I use YouTube for listening music so while using chrome browser the ads appear in the middle of the song and it really disturbs my workflow as I need to go to YouTube tab and skip the ads.
So I quickly installed the brave browser and guess what all my troubles to skip the ads while watching YouTube videos is completed over. I don't need to do any skip ads task while watching my favorite shows or while listening musics in background. For me that was the best part and I loved it so much.
I'll show you visually from below image. As you can see while using chrome I was seeing Ads at the beginning before starting the video. I'll be able to click 'Skip Ads' after 5 seconds only which is really frustrating. But with Brave browser no more Ads while using YouTube. Yeee!!
Besides that I've noticed that it has removed completely unnecessary ads from sites that will trouble me or distract me from reading while doing studies and research. So we can say Brave browser have inbuilt ad-blocker that cares about our privacy which we need the most while browsing sites.
I've screenshot-ed some sites in 'chrome vs brave browser' and here are they:
After using Brave browser for 1 month I checked the brave browser statistics and It has blocked around 1600 trackers, blocked around 43K ads from showing me and from that it has saved 35 minutes of my browsing time. WOW!!
On the another side Brave browser provided me 5BAT token on the 5th of each month as well which I can use it to tip my favorite authors which is the best part.
Did I forget to mention that Brave browser is build on Chromium engine - the same engine that Chrome browser uses. We can easily import our browser settings, our bookmarks from the chrome browser. And besides that we can use all chrome extensions as well. So, We don't feel that we are unfamiliar with this brave browser. Everything is similar to chrome browser so you won't feel any difficult to use it.
So I recommend #SwitchToBrave for faster, safer and Ads free browsing experience because our privacy and time matters.
Thank you :)