Volcanoes to Dollars: El Salvador Mines $46M in Bitcoin with Geothermal Power!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 25 Nov 2024

When you have geothermal energy better use to mine Bitcoin, El Salvador did and the coins they mined now worth more than 46 million dollars.

Using their geothermal energy, the nation of Nayib Bukele the “El Bitcoin presidente” achieved 474 Bitcoin a portfolio now worth more than 46 million dollars. This is an example of how geothermal energy and other types of energy can be used to mine Bitcoin and never let them waste.

Being a nation that have Bitcoin as legal tender they did good using geothermal energy to mine them and have their national treasury reinforced with those coins. Imagine just mining them using this energy they accumulated as now more than 46 million dollars and that is not all. Today in a tweet from “El President” they might even thinking in renting some volcanoes to mine Bitcoin!

Are we seeing companies renting them to mine Bitcoin and help also monetize this natural forces and enrich even more the El Salvador vaults? That could be very awesome. Remember:



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