Tax-Free HODLing: Russia Just Set a New Standard for Bitcoin Adoption!"

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 2 Dec 2024

Last week ended with the Russian president signing the Bill that turns Bitcoin and Crypto legal property in the nation, an action that legitimate people to own Bitcoin as private property without paying taxes on it. Why this is a game changer?

Well, each one of Russians who want to HODL the asset will be exempt of VAT and also could use it in future to commerce as the nation is also mining Bitcoin through BRICS countries and plan to use it on trade between them and more!

Russia just gave a huge step toward Bitcoin adoption and the world still don't realize it! They now have Bitcoin as property legalized, have Bitcoin mining as legalized and soon will have two crypto exchanges in the country all legalized! 

While the west and their allies still thinking in adopting Bitcoin as legal strategic reserve, Russia have done more than we can imagine. Remember:


**Keep Holding those SATs.

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