Robert Kiyosaki Calls It: 12 Years of Bitcoin Prosperity with Trump and Vance!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 12 Nov 2024

For the author of the best seller ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ book, United States have 12 years of prosperity with Trump and JD Vance on the wheel of the nation. Now, that Donald Trump have won the Election will command the US in the four years upcoming and JD Vance in the next 8 years.

Both of them have strong ambitions related to Bitcoin and wanna use it as reserve currency with an ambitions plan from Senator Lummis who want to see America passing a legislation allowing the country to buy each year 200,000 Bitcoin in a period of 5 years to accumulate 1,000.000 Bitcoins. If this pass, we are going to see some remarkable growth in the power of United States and their Treasury.

Robert Kiyosaki believes that Trump and Vance will make “America Great again” and those 12 years of prosperity will turn a lot of people in richer than other time before it. Follow the signs and don't get left behind. Remember:

The people involved in crypto still very small and in the coming years it can reach more people and then will be difficult to accumulate more Bitcoin;


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