Red or Green, Crypto is Freedom: Celebrate the Struggle, Not Just the Profits!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 13 Jan 2025

Any moment in life is one to celebrate. People tend to enjoy only good times in life and ignore the suffering they had in the past but that is a mistake as the probability to suffer again are major. Why? Because in order to value good moments is necessary to give value the dark moments in life.

Take example of Crypto people! They only celebrate the good times when their portfolio is on green and making money but forget to value those moments that their portfolio is red (and is most of the time) disregarding all what that represents for them: Freedom.

People who are into crypto are in because they value their freedom and crypto is a tool that they use to reach this. So they suffer hell and the worse of this market but totally forget to celebrate this times of holding and on the first occasion to gain some money on their portfolio they sell their assets.

Why not celebrate all this struggle when the market is red with encouragement, compounding and valuing each moment of it for what they Believe, the Freedom, and enjoy the profits when they want to sell some. Celebration is part of Life and everyday we should have one. Remember:

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