Rare CryptoPunk Ape Sells for $1.48M—A Deal or a Steal?

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 7 Sep 2024

There was a time where Cryptopunks NFT worth millions of dollars and everyone wanted one on theirs portfolio. That was NFT reign and like Memecoins today, they had fanatics investors who made millions in profit trading them. Unfortunately, all that hype started to reduce and many NFTs went from millions to pennies making investors losing big.

Not all jpegs had the same faith but lost much of their marketcap like Cryptopunks, who despite losing more than 76% of it's market some continue to be requested and today, one rare Cryptopunk Ape, one of 24 was sold for 620 ETH worth 1.48 million dollars.

The same Cryptopunk was worth more than 5 million dollars in the beginning of the year and today the owner decided to accept this offer and let his rare Cryptopunk go! I particularly don't know why people are so fan of this jpegs and willing to spend millions on them. Is that normal sale of just wash trading or money laundering?

What are you think guys? Is this sales legit of something fishy is happening? Remember:


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