Metaplanet's Bitcoin Play Pays Off—Investors Love It, Shares Surge!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 16 Oct 2024

Metaplanet the public japanese company invested more 106.95 Bitcoins and get their shares spiking in more than 16% in the Japan market. The company used X to announce one more Bitcoin purchase, elevating the HODLing to 855 plus Bitcoin and soon to read a 1000 milestone mark.

The today purchase was again an investment of ¥1 billion and puts the company as one of the biggest holders of the asset regarding companies rank. The first one still Microstrategy, who inspired Metaplanet and with that give a push to their shares value in the market.

Investors are showing a tremendous support for Metaplanet buys as the company purchased is the second of the month and the third one since September always purchasing ¥1 billion. This is an investment in US dollars worth more than 19 million dollars since September alone and the company doesn't show signs of stopping to invest.

Congrats Metaplanet let's hope you inspire more japanese companies to bet in Bitcoin and get their shares spike. Remember:


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