Metaplanet Follows Microstrategy’s Playbook—Bitcoin to the Moon!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 2 Oct 2024

Metaplanet, the Japanese company that is following the same path like Microstrategy, just bought more 1 billion Yen worth in Bitcoin. They now hold more than 500 Bitcoin valued at more than 31 million dollars.

Impressive for a company that started all their purchase this 2024 following the successful case from Microstrategy who fuel their shares with Bitcoin and since then, also the Metaplanet shares are doing very well in the Japanese market. Bitcoin have become the best investment tool for futuristic companies and well accepted investment among shareholders.

With these acquisition Metaplanet become also a shark holder and at this pace, they will definitely secure a place among the table or the whales. Who thought Bitcoin could help companies in valuing their stock? The financial sector is changing and Bitcoin becoming a "hotspot" for all those giants corporations. Remember:


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