Metaplanet Flexes Big: ¥10B Raised, 700 BTC Bought, and They're Not Done!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 25 Oct 2024

Metaplanet, the Japan public company that is investing in Bitcoin for maximizing the profit on their shares have raised more ¥10B to acquire more Bitcoin. This will grow even more their stash after they bought already more than 700 Bitcoin to their balance sheet worth more than $49M.

The Japan firm have made waves on the market after purchasing more than $18M is less than two weeks worth of Bitcoin. They are learning from Microstrategy and following the American firm, getting value from their shares in the market joining together the value of Bitcoin thru the value of the company stocks.

This 10 billion Yen will help the Japan firm to secure Bitcoin and to be one of the world's company with BTC on their portfolio of assets. Remember:


Keep protected online and managed your assets the correct manner, avoid getting robbed and lose everything.

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