ETFs Are on a Bitcoin Buying Spree! 11,826 BTC in a Flash!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 31 Oct 2024

US ETFs have bought 11,826 Bitcoin worth $868M, the second largest inflow since March (bear in mind that they started operating in the end of January beginning of February) and are already doing waves with most of ETFs securing large amounts of Bitcoin, with Blackrock being the biggest HODLer of the group.

On the inflows registered, Blackrock registered more than 8,805 BTC, Fidelity 1839 BTC plus, GBTC Mini more than 400 BTC, VanEck 227 plus and ARK more than 170 Bitcoins.

This ETFs aren't playing no more and to prove that all their inflows are to feed a growing market of investors that plan to secure their position earning money through this instruments of investment. Blackrock now secure more than 408,000 Bitcoin and is the largest holders of Bitcoin ETFs and also one of the largest Bitcoin Holders in a planetary scale.

Those inflows are sign of a growing institutional interest in Bitcoin that can help it turn popular but more and more centralized. I, in other hand, still prefer using my asset in my own personal wallet where I can access the Bitcoin whenever I want without hustle. Remember:


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