DeltaPrimeDeFi Drained! $5M Gone Thanks to Fake 'John Parker'!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 18 Sep 2024

DeltaPrimeDeFi hacked and attacker drained all the pools and the protocol have lost until now more than $5M in crypto assets. According to sources, the attacker gained control over the private keys and started to withdraw all the assets he wants to (still draining).

Interesting that this is one of those protocols Zachxbt alerted, saying that they hired North Korean devs using fake documents. He showed proofs all over his X account, contacted the original devs but seems the "fake" devs already had control over the protocol.

It's important to always follow Zachxbt guides and be alert as he have skills to discover things that others can't. His skills managed to uncover that many business in crypto hired North Korean devs using fake documents. They use counterfeit documents to be able to infiltrate themselves into crypto projects and steal from them.

Also, it's alarming that projects don't take their security serious to give this guys permission to write codes just accepting a dubious ID card with an Asian face named "John Parker" for example! Just that is a red flag as no Asian have that name. Now, they will take Zachxbt more serious, as he exposed them and all their fake IDs and Wallet addresses associated with them.

Well, right now DeltaPrimeDeFi is in more than $5M loss and still draining to not giving the proper attention to small big details on their devs intel. Verify the drain here. Remember:

"Maintaining your crypto assets are your first priority, don't neglect it."- CONTENT IS KING!

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