Bitcoin at $92k and Climbing – Who's Ready for Six Figures?

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 14 Nov 2024

Bitcoin on $92,800 plus and tt this speed am not anymore waiting to see Bitcoin beating up all it high time high price but when it will reach $100,000.

I believe that this month Bitcoin will break the barrier of $100K and after that there's no one that gonna stop it to start counting $110k., $125K and so on. The greatest winners are those HODLers that secured their Bitcoin even in bear market strong enough to collect their gains today!

Congratulations to all Bitcoin holders and as I always say, there's still time to buy it and Hold! Bitcoin is flying hit people can still grab it and secure in their private non custodial wallet. Remember:

“Only the holders will feast this season”;


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