Binance Surpasses $100T in Trades – Crypto's Goliath Reigns Supreme!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 21 Oct 2024

Binance, the largest crypto exchange in the world have reached a new milestone hitting $100T in trading volume leaving their competitors in the dust. The exchange built by Changpeng Zhao, CZ, continue to beat record after record and with this one is cementing their presence as the biggest force in the trading market and one or better, the best platform to trade in the volume terms, in the planet.

Meanwhile, the OKX Exchange is placed on second with a trading volume of $24.9T, followed by Bybit with $13.2T and Bitget with $10.9T

All this growing numbers reflect the growing interest in crypto by investors and people in general who see the ecosystem with a large future ahead, also put Binance as major force in the space and an entity not to ignore! They are powerful and more stronger than many countries around the world in capital terms.

Crypto is evolving and not to be taken lightly after all, the space is growing and becoming very notorious and remarkable than ever. Remember:


This is a utility update news, stay protected and safe in this wild wild west.

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