Community-driven tokens have delivered a record year for the meme coin index

By BlockBuzz | BlockBerry | 6 Jan 2025

The GMCI Meme Index has become a true 2024 sensation, posting 320% growth and leaving other sectors of the crypto market behind, including artificial intelligence (91%) and top-30 cryptocurrencies (88%).

The success of meme-coins: key trends

The growth of the index began in March and continued through the end of the year, peaking in November at 550%. Despite the subsequent correction, the year-to-date results remain impressive.


This success is attributed to a number of factors:

  • The abandonment of high valuation full dilution value (FDV) tokens, which previously dominated the market at the expense of venture capital;
  • The rise in popularity of community-driven tokens through platforms like, which provide a more equitable distribution and keep retail investors interested;
  • New entrants and old favorites: tokens like Wif, Fartcoin and Pengu have captured the public's attention, while “veterans” like Doge and Shib have enjoyed a new wave of popularity.

What has made memcoins so popular?

Memcoins have shown incredible resilience throughout the year. Trading activity remained high on both centralized and decentralized platforms. Ever-changing trends and memes kept investors interested and ensured stable trading volume.

The influence of retail investors is particularly noteworthy. Their activity became an important driver of market movements, and community-oriented token distribution models proved to be effective. This approach has allowed not only to hold value, but also to build a strong loyal investor base.

Outlook and value of the index

The GMCI Meme Index has become an indicator not only for meme coins, but also for changes in market behavior in general. It reflects a shift from traditional, venture capital-backed projects to initiatives with organic growth and community support.

This trend shows that a new era is coming to the crypto industry, where active community engagement and participation rather than technical innovation is becoming the most important success factor.

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