Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

Just flow


Its a matter of split seconds when it hits you, what it is that hits you? The idea, the dream the vision, the goals. Its another split second for you to catch it and flow with it, allow it to carry you where it will be best conceived.


"What the mind (heart) can conceive and believe, the mind (heart) can achieve."


"The best conception of cryptocurrencies has to be Bitcoin, brought in so much life"



We often hear the great scripts talk of focus as the spark that ignites dreams and bring worlds to life. Great mystics are heard time and time again saying that "where focus goes, energy flows". This is more complicated that it sounds, well in theory. Practically, it's probably one of the easiest things to do and also one of the most hard things to keep up with. Whenever we get a good point of focus it is crucial that we hold on to it, set time aside to horn our skills and crafts so that when the time to actually focus and realise our endeavours come, we are well prepared to tune into our focus. By tuning into our focus we give ourselves no escape from reaching what we set forth to reach, success becomes inevitable. Focus brings clarity, clarity of the mind to see and evaluate our position, our calibration, to asses our tools at hand to make sure that we are well equipped and sufficiently enabled to take on whatever goals we have our focus on. In times of not having enough of something, this focus will make allowance to broaden out so to bring into focus that which is missing from the picture.


Most times we do not know that there is anything missing but we get a go at it anyway. Somewhere along the way we realise that things start coming to us and only then we start realising how deep the levels of focus really goes. Some levels of focus move with us as we move in and out of our comfort zones. As we know that there are four layers to the comfort zone, at least the popular ones, which include the area of unawareness the center of comfort, from which we have to realise the need to grow into the area of fear in which we face our fears and anguish then the area of growth in which we learn from all that we have gone through by shifting our focus, our focus then lead us out of our comfort zones.


"There is nothing new under the sun"


-Ecclesiastes 1:9


It gets very interesting after a few cycles of moving out of comfort zones as we start getting stronger we notice that we can handle much more. Handling much more really means that our focus has been on point so much that it became natural to us. Such things like learning to read and write becames a comfort zone. By focusing on different expressions we allow our energies to flow into ideas of picking up papers or journals into which we write our ideas, goals and dreams using the same skills from the last comfort zone without even thinking about it. As we go on and our worlds broadens,we see ourselves creating different comfort zones from the growths we have been rewarded by our focus points. Worlds open up to us where we are able to defend those comfort zones and making different expression that bring in more than growth, money comes in, friends get more, material things accumulate, in this stage of the newly made comfort zone our focus start to operate in the background. We forget that as we are, there's things that we have put on auto pilot such things become our triggers to propel us into our next levels.

Comfort zone


Comfort Zones

These triggers get triggered when our focus starts lagging. We come to stages where we have accumulated so much momentum on all directions that it become very easy to allow these triggers to warn us when the momentum starts to slow down. When this happens there is a noticeable shift in our lives, most times it starts with the way we feel. Something's have been going right for us since we started comfort zone hoping as kids,it became natural to level up. Sometimes we do not even really get the whole process of how we got it right, because some things started coming right secondary to the momentum accumulated. This means that the connections brought in more connections which mean that for more connections to come through we'd need to maintain the focus and momentum that brings in those connections.


When we neglect the focus on autopilot because of new habits, ie as e get older or matured we grow into different groups and sometimes different groups grow on us. We stop the things that kept us focused and bringing in the right conditions by the well maintained momentum. What this does to us is send us deep within the unfocused realms, in which we make new comfort zones for ourselves, but the way we react to this is by thinking "I've always been this way". To truly look through the timeline and see when we started doing that specific thing will point us to not only where we lost ideal focus and healthy momentum but also how we can get it back as healthy as it can be.



It takes a whole level of honesty with oneself to know that we have detailed from the path we are truly about. This starts by self reflection, re-evaluating our present point of focus and doing a thorough introspection. We will reach the conclusion that we have made for ourselves new comfort zones, which is not bad but for the reason that the self reflection takes place means that at least one thing needs to be righten.


After realising that the focus is on autopilot putting us into another comfort zone, it's time to grow again. Most people take this the wrong way, they start to misunderstand themselves by thinking they need to purge or lose pieces of their lives. This is not the case. Just realizing that we have ourselves in another comfort zone is enough to lead us out into a different mindset. This is where we shift our focus onto the many "I have always been this way" so that we get to the bottom of what we really mean when we tell ourselves that "I have always been this way" because then and there we realize that we are not really telling people that we have been this way but telling ourselves how we want to keep ourselves. This then shines the light on whatever is intimidating us, which then shifts our focus from autopilot to finding new ways of curbing the intimidation. So we embark on a journey, learn new skills, adapt different mindsets this is where most people pick up a book, or after long periods of being single we test the love game once more, we generally refocus to the outside into the learning zone.



After learning much newly needed momentum is accumulated and merged with the old momentum which makes room for farther and further needed growth. This is the golden age, we define new goals, because the refocused energies bring us new clearer visions enabling us to reach out to newer richer experiences from the expanded vision allowing us to stretch our milestones. This can be anything from new business ventures, remodeling our homes, revamping our cars, working out more or just doing something that will put us much ahead of where we had been before, maybe we run for president or stretch out to space and start mining meteorites ( those things are worth trillions). The brilliant idea of digital decentralisation probably came fro breaking out of comfort zones so many times that there was a realization that the dream required decentralisation on another level. We have to say that the current decentralisation is pure bliss, no comfort zone, constant growth is a requirement to thrive.


Moving on....


All this is from tiny sparks that inturn ignite the fires from the energies of focusing. And soon we would allow ourselves to get comfortable again and again putting our focus on autopilot getting with friends and family then settling, this becomes the new comfort zone from which we will sooner than later break out of. Its the way of life, the cycles keep going like the wheel of the ages. Although time waits for no man, we are honoured by growth and the abudance of the ability to learn.




It is nothing new, the guys in the bible and the Qur'an knew about it, we are reminded about it. Its the way life goes, along the path of constant improvement we take breaks and we get reminded by life that we need to bring focus back. And so the game continues, the show must go on. We must get better.


Love and light




Bless up!


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