Your Passive Income Gigs? | 4chan greentext

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 1 Feb 2024

Tell me about your passive income gigs, /Biz/.


Sell stolen stuff from work. Earning interest on investments. Selling my pecker for a few cents.


Maybe not fully passive, but you can pull in a few extra grand churning bank bonuses a year and all that usually requires is changing your direct deposit to another bank for a month or leaving your savings with another bank.


Passive income is a garbage tier state of existence. Only active income enjoyers can attain a mastery of the self and have an understanding of the reality around them. Even the old man picking the rice field exists on a higher level of Mastery of self. 


Selling your time and labor for someone else's benefit, that's cool and everything, but rent is due. Good luck making it this month. I know your boss didn't give you a raise because of the economic landscape.


I run an eth validator. Passive income is the name of....


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