WFH is Rotting My Brain | 4chan stories

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 24 Jul 2024

Working from home is rotting my brain, bros.

I sleep on the job and do 2 hours of work a week.

I don't leave my house for weeks on end and shower once a week, brush my teeth every other day, and scroll through YouTube, Tik Tok, Reddit, 4chan for 95% of my time.

I need my Enji coins to moon or it's over for me.

Oh and I'm poor making 45k a year in Big City USA.


Get a second WFH job lol.


You think you've got problems? I retired early and now I'm hecking bored.


Go travel somewhere or eat some oysters or something.


2 hours work a day. This is the part that kills me, at least just enough work that you have to keep an eye...


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Biz Wisdom
Biz Wisdom

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