Most Autistic Thing You've Done in Job Interview? | 4chan stories

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 20 Aug 2024

What is the most autistic thing you've ever done in a job interview?  

I once shook the manager's hand and said, "I'm cheesed to meet you."  


Not a job interview, but I once blew air from my mouth at someone to get their attention at a concert.  


I once ended a perfect interview where they were absolutely thrilled on wanting me in their company with, "No, I'm good, thanks for meeting me," after they asked me if I have any questions. I forgot to ask questions.  

I didn't get hired.  


@ OP, did you get hired?  


@ OP, that would work if you're good-looking.   .   I was too autistic to realize the interview was over so I just kept sitting there making small talk, but to be fair, that Boomer hag never said ... [WATCH FULL VIDEO]:

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Biz Wisdom
Biz Wisdom

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