Comfy Outdoor Jobs | 4chan greentext

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 19 Jan 2024

What are some comfy outdoors jobs? Looking for a career change into something sometimes outside. I don't care if it's a federal job testing the pH of wetlands or something. I have a degree if that would help open any doors. Anyone here have an outdoor job they enjoy?

Food delivery. Hooker. Forestry. If I were younger I'd become an arborist. I like trees and stuff.


Land surveying is fun. You work with Cad and work outside. It's pretty satisfying work considering most engineering projects can't do squat without a survey.


War. Specifically infantry. Enlist in the US Army with 11b1p rasp Ranger assessment and selection program. Rip Ranger indoctrination program or 18x redacted contract then win World War II.



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