By roland4 | bitcointime.eu | 24 Oct 2020


Binance provides free tokens of helium

Link airdrop 👉 https://coinmarketcap.com/earn/project/helium

CoinmarketCap 👉 https://coinmarketcap.com/

Binance 👉  https://rebrand.ly/binanse



1️⃣  What is the total supply of HNT tokens?

➡  Compruebalo en CoinMarketCap ya que va cambiando.

2️⃣  What type of devices connect to The People’s Network?

➡  Internet of Things (IoT) devices

3️⃣  How many IoT devices are expected to need connectivity in the next five years?

➡  75 Billion

4️⃣  What is the wireless technology Hotspots use to provide coverage?

➡  LongFi

5️⃣  What is the unit of exchange Hotspots earn?

➡  HNT

6️⃣  Which of the below is NOT a way a Hotspot earns HNT?

➡  Providing Wi-Fi connectivity to nearby phones and computers.

7️⃣  What is Helium’s novel proof algorithm that is used to verify Hotspots are real and located where they say they are?

➡  Proof-of-coverage

8️⃣  What is the unit of exchange IoT devices use to pay for connectivity?

➡  Data Credits


Tutorial video .

NB! The video is in Russian, but the activities are the same as in English


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