EDC Blockchain is a revolution in blockchain industry. Project Overview

By roland4 | bitcointime.eu | 26 May 2019


Let's talk about the project

So, guys, we have a mega EDC Blockchain platform tonight. It can be called a global platform of the future. At least I'm sure of it when I created my wallet on the platform. Very nice interface, a lot of functions, in a word charming. The project has its own cryptocurrency, which can be mined. On the EDC Blockchain platform there is also a possibility for any of your business in matters of some blockchain solutions.

The most interesting thing is that the project has been working on since 2015. During this time, there have been a lot of users, customers, holders, investors and so on. The coin is already used by more than 57 countries. It's cool, isn't it? It should be concluded that the project is trusted, including the EDC coin.

Let's talk briefly about the advantages of this platform.

The important factor is that the coin is traded on very well-known exchanges (at the bottom of the article look for the full list of where this cryptocurrency is traded).

Speaking of mining itself, it is based on the LPoS algorithm. This means that you do not need power from computers, but only a master suite, which is able to mine even remotely. A very cool method that allows you to make a profit directly from your personal account.

What about the protocol you ask? It also uses the Bitshares 2.0 protocol, behind which are very fast transactions, small commissions and much more.

We talked about services above, so let's see what kind of services.

Firstly, it is working with digital assets, i.e. the release itself and then the management itself. And, of course, this includes storage and just trading.

Let's go on, we have a multi-currency wallet, which is safe and convenient at the same time.

Thirdly, these are complex solutions for creating digital currency. This will be relevant for the tokenization of any business, for example, to attract investment, at the time of payment for goods and services or any payment services.

And the latter is the marketing support of startups. We are talking about media promotion and other advertising channels.

Let's talk briefly about the goals for the future:

1.One of the main goals is to launch the EDC Blockchain application for all operating systems presented on the website.

2.Next, it's the creation of a global blockchain aggregator. This method will greatly simplify the creation of the digital assets themselves.

3.We will have to create our own decentralized exchange.

4.The next challenge is to create a crowdfunding platform that will make it very easy to attract investments for the same projects and other startups.

5.And last but not least, it's creating a P2P marketplace for our favorite community EDC Blockchain.


What about the wallet?


The EDC Blockchain wallet has recently been updated to include many different tools and even simplify the interface.

The wallet itself can store many different tokens, but only those that will be based on the EDC Blockchain.

Also, the wallet has multi-currency support, so it's very cool.

And don't forget that we are dealing with secure and fast transactions

You can also send coins directly to the master suite, which will allow you to mine coins directly from your wallet.


Features of the cryptocurrency and where can I buy it?

Coins are mined using the LPoS algorithm and the use of masters. If someone did not know, then the moment we give their coins to the pool of masters, they begin to multiply and you accordingly get a passive income.

At the time of writing, the coin is on the 294th place with a total capitalization of $ 12 445 781, cool?

Total offer: 5 330 754 415 EDC
Total produced, in circulation: 2 670 646 025 EDC

I will list a few exchanges where you can buy this moment:

2. Bit-Z
3. YoBit
4. DigiFinex
5. CoinBene

And so on, the list can go on. I will leave more information, namely links to the project in the description, study it. I wish everyone success, good luck in investing.


Official resourcesWebsite - https://blockchain.mn/
White paper - https://blockchain.mn/wp-content/themes/blockchain/EDC_Blockchain-presentation_(EN).pdf
Telegram - https://t.me/EDCBlockchain
Twitter - https://twitter.com/EDCBlockchain
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EDCBlockchain/


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