Solana introduces 'Seeker', its new Web3 smartphone after Saga

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 19 Sep 2024

Solana chose Singapore Token2049 as the location and event to finally introduce the production version of what we knew so far as 'Saga Chapter Two'.

The first thing to point out is that Solana's new smartphone won't be called Saga or Chapter Two or Saga Chapter Two, it'll be called the 'Seeker'.

We also know what it looks like, and it's actually a bit different when you compare it to Saga.

The edges are a bit less sharp than before, and there's redesigned camera bump.

It has a sizable display, 6.36 inches, and it comes with 128GB of storage, 8GB of memory, and two cameras.

The main one is a 108MP camera, whereas the 'selfie' camera has 32 megapixels.

As per usual, it comes with built-in dApps and several Web3-friendly features, including the ability to unlock the Seed Vault with your fingerprint. Or for example you can also double tab to send transactions.

It also comes with four months of Helium Mobile, included, which explains why Helium HNT token went up after the announcement.

If you've ordered the phone already, don't get too excited, there's no announcement regarding a delivery date, they still say '2025' and, more importantly, for some reason, you'll receive an email asking if you want to pre-order again.


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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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