OpenSea promises facelift and huge comeback

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 6 Nov 2024

Remember when OpenSea was king of the world?

During the 2021 bull run, NFTs were the hottest product and everyone wanted one.

OpenSea found itself in a great position because it was to NFTs what Google is to online searches and queries.

But things went wrong after the bear market, and they kept going wrong because while crypto recovered, the NFT market never did.

Now, OpenSea promises a facelift, and a comeback.

OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer took to X to explain how OpenSea wants to "take a step back and reimagine everything" building a "new OpenSea from the ground up".

The company also hinted at a potential token airdrop which, quote, would be "unlikely but not unthinkable."

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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