OpenAI bleeds money, but the truth is no one cares

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 8 Oct 2024

Not a day goes by without bad news about OpenAI, which are always spun into good news.

ChatGPT apparently costs around $700,000 per day to run.

Costs outweigh and outpaces revenue, by a significant margin, but no one cares.

The truth is the world has collectively decided to head, head first, into an AI future.

We clearly don't care about the potential outcome in the long term, we just want an AI assistant that does the thinking for us.

I don't know him personally, and maybe I'm wrong, but Mr Altman comes across as a ruthless, determined, borderline psy****thic CEO who just wants OpenAI to become the world's most important company.

It worries me a bit.


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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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