Meta learns from Apple's 'mistake', cancels next-gen Metaverse VR headset

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 8 Sep 2024

Meta has apparently learnt Apple's lesson, ironically, because its Reality Labs division is reportedly pausing, or cancelling (in corporate speak, there's usually no difference) development of the next-gen Metaverse VR headset.

Meta is cutting down on anything and everything Metaverse recently, chiefly because that particular division of the company is bleeding cash.

And probably because Zuckerberg knows it's time to prioritise AI.

Apple keeps telling us that half of Fortune 100's companies are using Vision Pro, which is probably true if they're saying that, but also besides the point if consumers just aren't interested.

People have often cited the incredibly high price of Vision Pro as the main reason why it sort of bombed, but I think there's a bigger problem.

What's it for? Once you're past the initial hype, there's no real use case.

Meta's headset, dubbed Quest, is cheaper, but it has the same problem.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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