Donald Trump is launching his own crypto and DeFi platform

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 16 Sep 2024

Donald Trump is launching a new crypto and DeFi project called World Liberty Financial (WLF).

The first thing to point out is that Donald Trump and three sons will likely play a role that's more symbolic than anything else.

Donald Trump is apparently part of the project of 'Chief Crypto Advocate', Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr are 'Web3 Ambassadors', while Barron Trump is 'DeFi visionary'.

Built on the Aave blockchain, the platform is mostly focused on decentralised borrowing and lending, but they might create a USD stablecoin at some point.

There are two main reasons people are feeling a bit 'meh' about it, apart from the association with Donald Trump, which is more of a personal opinion.

First, Trump had already tried something similar, and the project was hacked.

Second, and this is the main one, apparently 70 percent of the tokens will be reserved for people involved with the project, and only 30 percent of the supply is available for public sale.

This sounds extremely centralised.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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