Dear Solana Seeker pre-order holders, did you also get this?

By LeftFooted | bitcoinea | 12 Nov 2024

A few days ago, I received 2,123 Happy Cat, ticker symbol $HAPPY, on the Solana blockchain.

I only have one SOL wallet, and it's the one connected to my Solana Seeker (smartphone, ex-Saga Chapter Two) pre-order.

For a couple days, HAPPY remained untradable, and with an 'exclamation mark' attached to it.

Today, it became tradable, and I sold it, because why not. The way I see it, it's about $70 for free.

But that's beside the point. My question is, have you also pre-ordered the Solana Seeker? If so, did you also receive this airdrop?

Let me know.

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on


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