Crypto-like Passive Income that I found it works and pay your $500 annually

By xuanling11 | Crypto Learning | 22 Dec 2020


Do you dream of "doing nothing" but get paid? Well, I always do. You may think it is unrealistic but it can be done now!




It is the first-ever app that helps users make money online by sharing their internet connection. It is crypto mining like that passive income you can have when you open your computer and let it works for you. 

It will not make you rich but it can pay your around $20 per month or $240 per year. I found it helpful if you have multiple devices to collect your honey but make sure don't use VPN to trick the system. You can get banned from the service.

I think it is a viable solution when you work from home and your computer is running 24/7.

You can learn from the website:

You can find my referral code below:

My referral code:

If you don't want my referral code, you can simply register through

You can download from:

Windows App:

MacOS App:

Andriod App:




Another passive income I found very viable is PacketStream

It operates similar to Honeygain to sell your bandwidth through a secure peer-to-peer proxy network but I found it gains faster than Honeygain. It will generate around $35 per month or $420 per year.

My referral code:

Currently, they only offer through the operating system. You can find links to download below: 

Windows 64bit:


Linus requires Docker:

Again, if you wish to register through without a referral code, here is the link

Both income sources can cash out through Paypal

There you go! Here is my journey of making $500 by doing nothing. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me or share in the commons below!


Happy making passive income!


Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any cryptocurrencies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose cryptocurrencies is mentioned in this article.

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