Online Casinos Offering Real Money With No Deposit

Online gaming is a new industry which has emerged in the past twenty years thanks to the invention of the internet. However, there is still a lot of uncertainty circulating when it comes to the internet and how it works and the viability of certain websites. Because of the often-surfacing question of legitimacy, it can be nerve wrecking to put your hard-earned money on a new website, which is why it’s often best to start out on a website where you can game with no deposit until you get to know a bit about the website.

What is it?

Gaming with no deposit means you can bet money on a gambling website without having to deposit first. The cool thing about this is that you can still win money without ever having to put up your own hard-earned cash. Some websites will let you withdraw these winnings once you meet a certain threshold, however most websites do require a minimum deposit before the allow withdrawals for verification purposes. These deposit requirements are often small and if you’re withdrawing a large amount of winnings it’s not usually a big deal.

What are the Best No Deposit Casinos?

Sounds great right? Easy, no stress, so let’s get gaming! is one of the best no deposit websites on the internet, offering a bitcoin faucet where you can receive a small amount of Bitcoin just for visiting the website. Not only that, but they also offer free Bitcoin just for using the website’s chat feature. The more you chat, the more free dough you’ll be awarded!




Once you receive a small amount of the free rain or faucet Bitcoin, you are able to play a large variety of games from slots, to dice, and even a custom game known as Bit.Rocket. Bit.Rocket is a unique game where you bet on the outcomes of a rocket launch, and the game takes place in live time with other players able to join—making it a fun game with a group of people! MintDice has plans to add other skill games which are slated to be released sometime in 2021. MintDice also has numerous other benefits such as free guides and blog articles which will help direct you through the often-confusing world of cryptocurrency and all of the corresponding technology.

MintDice does not currently accept US Dollars as currency, in fact, as of the writing of this article they deal in Bitcoin exclusively. There are plans to add further currencies for the future, but for now, if you are not well versed in the world of cryptocurrencies, there are other site which offer no deposit gaming you can check out that also accept the US dollar.

ScratchMania is a website which offers, you guessed it, scratch tickets and slot machines online for players. They accept Euros, British Pounds, and the US Dollar as currency. They currently offer a 5 Euro no deposit bonus to get you started when you create an account, however it is unclear if once you win whether or not you will have to deposit in order to claim your winnings. This website is not available to American players.

Slot machines not your thing? 888 Poker, one of the oldest online poker sites in the world, also offers gaming with no deposit. The initial bonus is $88 that you can receive just by registering and you can use it for play, registering for a tournament, or for any of the other card games on their site. If you do deposit, the website matches your first deposit up to a certain amount. This is truly a great deal when it comes to online gaming, however the caveat is that you must live or reside in the state of New Jersey or Delaware in order to use this site. And if you do live in Delaware, you are also able to use the sister race track betting system provided by 888 Poker site. Residents of New Jersey are lucky, because although they can’t use the race track betting system in the same way as Delawareans, there are a number of big-name casinos such as MGM and Tropicana which have online gaming platforms where you will receive a bonus not tied to a deposit just for signing up.




If you don’t live in New Jersey, check out BetOnline which is an online poker site available to American players. Like 888 Poker, they accept the American Dollar, but also, like MintDice, they accept Bitcoin as a currency. They don’t currently have a special running, but often times they have a bonus for new players where they will give you a small amount of a currency to play with as long as you open an account with them.

Why are there No Deposit Casinos?

You’re probably wondering why companies, especially big ones like MGM and Tropicana, are giving away free money like this to just about anyone. Well first of all, it’s not to just anyone. Most casinos only offer the no deposit bonus to first time players in an effort to bring new traffic to their site. This is something that makes the gambling site MintDice so unique, they offer no deposit gaming to everyone, even if you already have an account on their site.

But the main reason casinos offer these “free” bonuses is because they know the demographic of people (especially in the United States) that like to gamble, are often the same demographic whom are nervous about cryptocurrency or online gaming in general. Often times, an offer of a bit of free currency for the site in question will encourage a hesitant player to play and give them a chance to check out the site without having to risk any of their own money until they know if they like the site or not.

Effectively, no deposit bonuses are the same as a free trial, and some have the same small print as a free trial (as in you can play, and win, for free but must deposit in order to withdraw) so before you get too crazy in checking out all of the no deposit casinos out there, make sure you read the fine print for any website you decide to try out! And always gable responsibly!


This article was brought to you by MintDice's free Bitcoin Dice Faucet. Originally posted on

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