Poem: My Time To Weep

By bhmcintosh | bhmcintosh | 3 May 2019

Sometimes, when we least expect it, our feelings can find their most appropriate expression...


My Time To Weep

A sudden flow of water in my eyes,
catches me off-guard with wet surprise,
and then a pressure starts to build inside,
feeling like a secret I can't hide.

Emotions rise up in me like a wave,
and for a moment make me like a slave,
captured by a power so profound,
it overpowers me and sits me down.

Through shining eyes I look around to see,
if someone's there who might be watching me,
but seeing no one helps to ease my fears,
and so I break the dam that's holding back my tears.



The image above is used courtesy of a Creative Commons license, and is originally from here.

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I've written some poetry (currently posted on Steemit) and would like to explore more creative writing in the future.


I'm interested in poetry. Unless otherwise stated, all poems I post are my own, original works: Copyright © B.H. McIntosh.

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