Nodular melanoma

Clinician and Cancer Survivor #3 N-Numb

By PABarb | Best of Health-Ask The PA | 8 Jun 2020

I can say that the worse thing to hear is those words “ you have cancer: its serious”  Rare and you need to see a surgeon and Oncologist ASAP.   I was working, seeing patients at the time and all I could do is🙏Think how do I tell my husband, family and parents who are elderly and fighting their own battles.   Truth is I am not sure.   

Fast  forward.   Today 6/7/2020

My 97 year old dad is my hero, Dr himself, and I would do anything to protect him.  He had a Dermatology  appt today and I find out from his Dermatologist PA that he stated clearly that he was treated years ago for a precancerous melanoma.  (Lentigo maligna- his exact words)

He Never told me!   Could my cancer have been caught earlier, now I am starting to understand comments from the past.  I feel just hurt, betrayed and NUMB.   

“I gave this to you”.  It’s my fault.... never an explanation.  I tried to reassure him over and over.     This is what it feels like to be just NUMB...   I focus on dealing with this in a new way and strive for understanding! 

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Best of Health-Ask The PA
Best of Health-Ask The PA

Some tips and anecdotes about obtaining better health through my experiences as a 4th generation Family practice provider, advocate, cancer patient and care giver! Lots of stories that may save lives and save money along the way! Straight talk with Barb

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