Uhive — Huge Update and Airdrop incoming!

By Earn With Hatty | Beginning Crypto | 14 Apr 2023

Uhive is a social blockchain project that was created in 2020 and uses its own cryptocurrency called HVE2. Since its creation, Uhive has been growing at a fast pace. There have been over 3 million registered users and over 8 billion interactions since the creation of Uhive. With a 4.4 star rating in the app store and over 16,000 reviews, it is easy to see that Uhive is growing in popularity.

This airdrop and update are huge for Uhive. If you have never heard of Uhive then I suggest checking it out before this massive airdrop goes into effect. I have been following Uhive since it was first created and released to the public. This airdrop/update is going to change the way people look at social blockchain if not social media in general.

I will create a follow-up article before and after Uhive’s airdrop/update is released.

Check out the video below for a closer look at Uhive, how it works, what it looks like, and why I think this platform is going to grow fast over the next couple of years if not sooner.

Uhive Airdrop

At the time of writing the price of HVE2 is sitting at $0.0005263. Do not judge Uhive by the price of its coin though. This project has been growing steadily and building a name for itself. It has not pushed for mass adoption yet because it has been in public beta mode for the past couple of years. This coming update and airdrop is going to push it that much closer to its plan for mass adoption.

The airdrop is going to be worth 6 Billion Tokens ($3.5 Million) for existing and New Users! This airdrop is set to coincide with Uhives major update scheduled to be released around mid-May/2023. From what I am hearing the update is going to be just as big as the airdrop. I will be going over this in the next section. Before we talk about the update let’s go over a couple of things Uhive has said about the upcoming airdrop.

They have not said much other than this is going to be a major push for Uhive and a way to show it has the power to change the way we look at social blockchain projects. Allowing anyone who takes the time to sign up and use this world-changing social project to be a part of a $3.5 million airdrop. There is more to it than just signing up and using the platform though. You will need to keep an eye out for Uhives posts on TwitterMedium, and your actual Uhive app for further details on how to sign up and be a part of it.

A huge update is coming!

There is a huge update in the works when it comes to Uhive. Uhive has been growing each year and the Uhive team is constantly adding new features and really pushing to be the best social blockchain project out there.

In the big update coming next month Uhive has some big announcements about what it will include. Here is a breakdown of the updates coming and why I think Uhive has the potential to change the way we use social media.

Redesigning the User Interface

In Uhive’s latest article, they are talking about this update being one of the biggest since the creation of Uhive. They are also talking about redesigning the layout of the app and I am excited to see what the final outcome will be. If you would like to see what Uhive looks like right now check out the video at the beginning of this article or click here.

Pro Studio

Uhive also says they will be adding a “pro studio” to the app which will make it easier to create high-quality content on Uhive. So instead of having to edit your video using another app and then posting to Uhive, you can do everything you need right in the Uhive app.

Uhive Originals

Uhive mentioned adding something called Uhive Originals. I think this is going to drive more people to use Uhive. I know Uhive will be the first place I post my short videos and maybe more depending on how it works and what exactly counts as a Uhive original.


I am excited to see what this ends up looking like and how easy it will be to use. I am a big fan of this idea and think it will be a great way to get more people interacting on the platform.

More Exchanges!

I am excited about this and think this will bring more users. I have a problem finding an easy way to invest in HVE2 and send it to my app wallet. I would like to invest more in Uhive but it can be difficult to find easy ways to exchange this undervalued crypto. I am excited to see what other exchanges they are going to be listed on. I hope Kucoin and Coinbase will be some of them but I guess we will have to wait and see what happens next month when the update is released and we get more information.

Upgraded Content Moderation and Content Throttling

Final Thoughts

Uhive has been striving to be different from all of the rest. Imagine a social project that pays you for your time and attention. Well, you do not have to imagine that anymore because that is exactly what Uhive is. I believe this new update will allow people to earn more if the content you share is originally posted on Uhive.

If you would like to read about the upcoming airdrop and update then check out Uhive’s official blog of Medium!

This is what the article says about the upcoming update — Exciting new features coming soon: Uhive is gearing up for a significant update that will introduce new, groundbreaking features. These upcoming features are expected to create a viral effect and significantly increase the platform’s user base, making the airdrop even more valuable for participants.

Like I said I am not exactly sure what this update is going to have but it sounds like it is going to be pretty big and be one more big step to mass adoption. I can see Uhive being used more than other big-name social projects. People just have to realize the benefits and not be afraid of change.

If you would like to know more about Uhive and its upcoming airdrop and update, check out the video at the beginning of this article or check out Uhives official Medium and Twitter account. If you are excited as I am for the future of Uhive, then click this link and start your Uhive journey and start making money from your posts. It is about time for a change and I think Uhive is exactly what we need. Do not take it from me, check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.


Check out some of my favorite ways to get involved in the world of Crypto below.

Faucets and PTC (Point to Click) Website/Apps

FaucetPay — read FaucetPay-Huge Update to learn more about this earning opportunity.

CryptoWin — Earn BTC.

Gobal Hive — Earn ZEC

FaucetCrypto — Earn over 10 different types of Crypto

Cointiply — Earn BTC, DOGE, ETH, and LTC

CoinPayU — Earn multiple different types of Crypto.

Social Blockchain

Torum — XTM

Uhive — HVE2

MAIN — MAIN token on BNB blockchain

Rougee — RougeCoin (XRGE) on the ETH blockchain

Ecency — Social Blockchain on the HIVE blockchain

Blockchain Real-Estate

LoftyAI — Real Estate that runs on the Algorand Blockchain. Buy fractions of Real Estate and earn Daily from your investment.

Blogging for Crypto!

read. Cash — Earn BCH

PublishOX — Earn AMPL , ETH, and SPT

G’day Fam — Earn XRP

Watch videos and earn

Slice — Earn Crypto or PayPal by watching Youtube or browsing!



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Womplay — Earn EOS, MATIC, pBTC

ZEBEDEE — Earn Bitcoin LN

RollerCoin — Earn multiple different types of Crypto

PipeFlare — Earn ZEC, MATIC, and 1FLR

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Hatty’s Shack

Photos from Pixabay

Original article on Medium


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